Jon Hodgson is a game designer, illustrator and cartographer from…
Doctor John Gardiner-Garden is a dance teacher, researcher, performer and…
The speakers of Ropecon 2019 Academic Seminar: Characters and Figurines…
Every year a theme is chosen for Ropecon by its…
With little over three months until Ropecon 2019, the deadline…
The Golden Dragon award for the year 2018 has been…
Deed of the Year 2018 awarded for Suomen roolipeliseura. Established…
How do they larp in Russia? Are there any LARP…
Main organisers of Ropecon 2018 Kristiina Mannermaa, Emi Maeda, Emilia…
Conittee for 2018 Main organizers Kristiina Mannermaa, Emilia Hjelm, Emi…
Blogi seuraa Euroopan suurimman vapaaehtoisvoimin järjestettävän roolipelitapahtuman rakentumista ja kertoo skenen uutisista sekä ilmiöistä.
Anna-Leena Korpijärvi
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