Ropecon 2016 has awarded Miska Fredman with the Golden Dragon…
Since signing up for tabletop role-playing games happens when the…
Lost and looking for direction? Puzzled by the local language?…
How have role-playing games benefited the people working in the…
If you happen to be an artistic soul, you are…
Ross Watson is an acclaimed game designer and role-playing game…
Ropecon is a great chance to test your own adventures…
We heartily recommend you to get your tickets to Ropecon…
The call for program submissions has started! Ropecon is looking…
We are happy to announce that the Danish professional larp…
Blogi seuraa Euroopan suurimman vapaaehtoisvoimin järjestettävän roolipelitapahtuman rakentumista ja kertoo skenen uutisista sekä ilmiöistä.
Anna-Leena Korpijärvi
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